Over the Hedge, A DreamWorks animation directed by Tim Johnson and Karey Kirkpatrick. With the voices of: Bruce Willis, Gary Shandling, Wanda Sykes, Nick Nolte, Allison Janney and Steve Carrell, among others. 2006.
Library call number: PN1995.5.A5O93 2006.A clever, very funny movie from the creators of Shrek. When a crew of forest animals awaken from hibernation, they not only find a new subdivision right next to their forest, they discover RJ, the raccoon, waiting for them. He’s anxious to show them the huge amount of food humans throw away that’s sitting in trash cans just across the hedge. The sometime leader of the animal crew, Verne the tortoise, wants nothing to do with the humans, after a bad experience with two boys, but RJ tempts the rest into bad behavior. What they don’t know is, RJ ate a bear’s entire stock of food and only has two weeks to replace it—or become a bear lunch himself. Throw in a manic guard dog and a crazy animal control officer and it’s obvious the animals are in way over their heads.
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