Thursday, December 08, 2016

Congratulations on 40 years of service, Cyrilla!

Cyrilla Face is celebrating an impressive forty years of service to the UW-Stout University Library.  Cyrilla joined the library staff in January 1976 and has continually served the needs of campus students, staff, and faculty.

Cyrilla started her career working in Technical Service receiving all monographs and paying the acquisitions invoices. Other positions Cyrilla has held include Ordering, Receiving, Film Preview, Cataloging DLC titles and Thesis. She also served as a temporary supervisor of the classified staff in Technical Services while the permanent supervisor took a leave of absence to complete her Master’s Degree.  Today, Cyrilla is responsible for processing the orders for monographs and audiovisual materials from the publishers and handling the invoices for these orders.

From manual typewriters, electric erasers, and a Xerox machine that kept catching fire to the computers used today, the technology at the library has changed dramatically throughout the last forty years. In 1976 the computer system consisted of five IBM cards that created a set of printouts which allowed the library staff to track books and keep a record of expenditures by department.  Later that year the library purchased an Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) computer which made searching for cataloging records easier and more efficient.  Cyrilla also recalls going through various transitions of computer formats over the years which include floppy discs, hard drives, the web, and e-mail.

One of Cyrilla’s favorite moments working at the library was when the library was named after Robert Swanson.  Cyrilla greatly admired Chancellor Swanson for his integrity and intelligence and was glad it was acknowledged with the dedication of the Robert S. Swanson Library. Other favorite memories include attending planning sessions for the construction of the current library in 1978 and having the University Library honored with the Wisconsin Library of the Year award in 1983.

Cyrilla’s favorite part of working at the University Library is the supportive work environment created by the staff and student assistants. 

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